Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer Reading

I recently finished Angel's Game by Carlos Ruiz Zafron, and recommend it to anyone who's looking for a mystery, sort of supernatural story with a twist of love. It was hard to put down but wasn't a quick read being more than 500 pages.  This follows the author's book The Shadow of the Wind which I've just started. Both books take place in Barcelona in the beginning of the the 1900's and give you a bit of a histroy lesson on the grueling past of the not-so-distant Spanish Civil War as well as various historical landmarks that are still visible today.

Besides my normal classwork I'm attemption to read Charles De Gaulle, a brief history of the former french president written in french. OOOh lala, c'est dificil and I'm thinking learning french is going to be a much longer and treacherous road than I expected. At least I started a new school yesterday where the teachers seem to get the class involved in many conversations which is great. Plus the class size is about 7 students instead of 20 so we get to ask questions and read outloud more. My favorite thing about Inflexion is that you can pick and choose which classes you want to go to each day, some of the classes include: Phoenetics, Written Comprehension, Listening Comprehension, and so on.

The weather has been stifling here. It's hot in Texas but at least everything there is air-conditioned. Here it's about 35 C or 94 F but the best you can hope for is an oscillating fan, the schools don't even have that much. The public transportation can be best summed up with the word "stench". People packed in buses to avoid walking in the heat only to be crammed in like sardines with their arms in the air and doing what Richard Simmons does when he listens to the Oldies.

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