Friday, April 23, 2010

St. Jordi´s Day

St. Jordi is the Catalan day of Love. He was the original brave knight sent to rescue a princess from a fire-breathing dragon. It is celebrated every year with gifts of roses for the ladies, and books for the men. The streets are lined with people selling every color rose you can imagine and authors are in every other stand signing piles books. The books sold on this day accounts for one-third of the total books purchased throughout the year.  Not to mention all the political representatives make their appearances in the public this day. Roger happened to notice I was standing next to Mayor of Barcelona at one book stand and he was nice enough to take a photo with me, No big deal!   (pic to follow)
Strolling through the bustling streets and Las Ramblas of Barcelona was the perfect way to spend day after the rude awakening I had at 5:00 this morning. 

Long story short, I ending up nearly breaking my foot after my fold-out bed at Roger´s parents house collapsed. I was trying to move the bed so I could get to door and down the hall to the restroom. I did not realize that when I moved it that I had unlocked the legs and when I went to climb on it, the bed fell on my right foot, along with all my weight to help matters. 

After 45 minutes of ice and being sick to my stomach from pain, we finally managed to get back to sleep. Fortunately, I don´t think anything was broken but I´ve got lots of black and blue to deal with for the next coming weeks. So much for summer sandals in the near future. All of it was nearly forgotten when I woke later on and received my first rose of the day!  <3

1 comment:

  1. St. Jordi's Day sounds fascinating and what a great theme for a festival. Sorry about the foot incident though :-(
